Copyright CatMonkeyRun

Documentary photographer CatMonkeyRun is on a mission, catching quiet images, fishing in the rivers of light. Concentrating on ready-made human-habitat situations lingering between genesis and abandonment. The liminal spaces that remain as our materialized aspirations fade. Living and working in Austin, Texas, and producing psychogeography photography editions and Americana photography series, as portfolio box prints, monograph zines, and online.

Copyright CatMonkeyRun

Psychogeography photography editions

Geotagged photographic image editions exploring human-habitats considered with regard to their influence on the mind and behavior.

Copyright CatMonkeyRun

Americana photography series

Photography series comprising scenes or subjects characteristic of the United States of America, its civilization, or its culture broadly : things typical of the USA.

As the sun came up, an artist's shadow danced like a Cat Monkey and began to Run all over the studio conjuring up images of a most delightful miscellany. Then, the sky darkened and the rain began and suddenly CatMonkeyRun was all tired out and settled down for a long afternoon nap.

This website and all CatMonkeyRun works wherever displayed, including all Internet and other display channels, are protected under U.S. and U.K. copyright, related treaties and laws, copyright ©2000-2025 CatMonkeyRun, all rights reserved. 

All images displayed herein are low resolution high compression and contain copyright exif data. All geotag and location information is approximate and included only for general context.

ⓘ Find out more about psychogeography photography, geotagging, americana photography, and liminal space.

Copyright CatMonkeyRun