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Photographic series defined by proximity of place, time, or subject relationship, scenes characteristic of the United States of America, its civilization, or its culture broadly: things typical of the USA.
ⓘ artists statement regarding americana photography.
My Americana photography explores facets of the United States of America that aren't always immediately iconic but are nonetheless important in forming the nation's overall identity. I concentrate on photographing characteristic locations and subjects, yet they are frequently liminal places or everyday moments that reflect some aspects of American society.
The idea of small-town Texas is one of the subjects I return to most often. Backroads, peaceful streets, neighborhood shops and residences, signs promoting the commonplace, and the unspoiled beauty of the rural, urban, and developed landscapes all appeal to me.
Overall, my Americana photography seeks to portray moments and spaces that reflect part of American culture. By emphasizing the commonplace or transitional, it showcases a nuanced yet authentic, but limited, portrayal of aspirations, icons and stereotypes.
I hope you enjoy or in some way find my photography interesting.